Lens Hygiene Matters
Too many of us don’t pay enough attention to hand-washing hygiene but, because we use our hands to touch almost everything we use, it is probably the best and easiest way to reduce the risk of getting a whole range of infections. It is important to thoroughly dry your hands before touching your contact lenses.
No Water
Probably the most important, and often forgotten, lesson is that contact lenses should never come into contact with water of any sort - and that includes 'cleaning' them with saliva or tap water, fitting them with wet hands, and even swimming or showering while wearing them. Many water sources and soils, especially in the UK, may contain Acanthamoeba organisms which can cause a sight-threatening infection of the cornea. Even if you've avoided it for years, every new contact with water is a risk. It is extremely rare, but why take a chance? Keep to the care routines explained by your practitioner.
The College of Optometrists surveyed 2000 contact lens wearers and have produced some advice on this, see here.
Other essential advice for contact lens wearers is here.
Specific advice relating to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is here
If you are still unsure about how to care for your contact lenses you should visit your local high street optician. Contact lenses are medical devices and they should always be handled appropriately.